The Catholic Church
Anyone who knows me knows that I have long said that each individual church purports itself to be the one true church to GOD and that all others are imposters.…
Scammer Payback
One of my favorite things to do most recently, is to check out the scammer videos on YouTube. There are a lot of channels with these guys and girls paying…
Banking While Black
As if we didn’t have enough problems in this world of ours, a new one has been brought to my attention, by of all places, YouTube. I watched this video…
I Don’t Know Why
When I set up this website, I thought I had a particular direction I wanted to chase with it, and subsequently ended up changing what I was doing multiple times.…
Not a Word
So much time passed;Not a word between us;Living close by, but never seen;No letters, no calls;Not a word between us; We live our lives like we’re happy;Living day to day…
My Pretty Mom
My pretty mom, you inspire me to write,how I love the way you smiled at us,I love your smiling face and eyes,and the dimples that appeared. No longer will we…
My Dad – A poem Written by John Derossett
I miss you much,The memories are my only companion,I did not become what you wanted me to be,I regret, as I clasp my hands to grieve As the hopelessness eats…