My Opinion on Donald Dump Trump

My opinion on Donald Trump - John Derossett Writer

We have a convicted felon running for President of the United States. The guy surrounds himself with MORONS. His choice for vice president is a Weirdo MORON who has magically changed his viewpoint to align with those of Donald Trump to be selected for vice president.

These two alone are enough to destroy the country. Now let’s add Mike Johnson, who is already the house speaker. They are already establishing plans to mess with the election results should Trump lose, and they have publicly announced the cancelation of the Affordable Care Act should Trump be elected, even though Donald Trump has no plan to replace it.

Then, along comes Elon Musk, who says that should Trump be elected, Americans would experience “Temporary hardship” in the first year of Trump’s term. Let’s not forget now, that Trump’s term may possibly be a lifetime based on the fact that he has already publicly declared that he wanted to turn the country into a dictatorship and his intention to suspend the U. S. Constitution. Anyway, part of Musk’s intentions is to shut down Medicare and Social Security systems. Where does that leave senior citizens, who already have a hard time surviving on what they get? How will they survive on nothing?

Trump wants to get rid of civil service workers and replace them with employees of his choice. These are people who have dedicated their lives to civil. service.

Let’s not forget Project 2025. Trump denies it, but the guy who developed the plan for Trump is going to be selected as one of Trump’s cabinet members. Tom Homan, a former director of ICE, will be selected as Immigration director. You remember Tom Homan I think. He’s one of the ones who developed the plan of separating children from their parents to discourage them from trying to return to the U. S.

If you listen carefully to a Donald Trump speech, the things that he accuses Kamala Harris of doing, are actually what “he” is doing. Trump has aligned himself with Vladimir Putin. Although Russia is now supposed to be a democracy of sorts, with elections being held to select their President, the truth is that Putin is having opponents murdered.

Now, Donald Trump has not said anything about murdering his political opponents. He does, however, want to send the military after political opponents and he wants to jail them. In fact, he has already deemed that anyone who does not go along with him, is an enemy of the country, and they would be held in prison.

I just have a little video service right now, but I am very outspoken against Trump so this would likely put me into the category of a political opponent. I don’t know. The man is insane or something. The things he says and does would have anyone else in the world at the very least, remanded for testing to see whether or not they were sane.

Trump says that Kamala Harris does not have the necessary political experience to be President of the United States. The reality is that Vice President Harris has much more experience in politics than Trump will ever have.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon people. These charges were crimes that he committed, and in fact, not anything created by his political opponents. You tell me, what other convicted felon in this world, would be able to run for any political office, much less that of the President of the United States?

Let’s be clear about immigration. Donald Trump wants to get rid of ALL IMMIGRANTS, legal or not. He also has no problem with separating parents from their children, and locking them in jail cells, while they await being sent to their home country. There are indeed problems with the immigration system. There’s no doubt about that. However, the problem was addressed in a bi-partisan agreement, developed by a conservative Republican, that would have been passed through both the House and the Senate, but Trump told his crony, Mike Johnson to kill the bill. He wanted immigration as part of his political platform while running for President.

Many of the things he is trying to blame Kamala Harris for are not her fault. She is the Vice President and has to follow what Joe Biden sets forward, however, I still think for the most part, Biden is doing a good job. So, Trump, having nothing else to be able to blame on Harris, is using the same rhetoric he was using against Biden when Biden was initially running for President. Then Trump says that Putting Harris in place of Biden to run for President, was a coup and that it is illegal and Biden must be put back on the ballot. The truth is, despite the good that Biden has done for the country he is still weak enough politically to lose to Trump, and Biden wisely stepped down and endorsed Kamala to run in his place. Trump also said that another primary election must be held to decide who would run for President, but the fact is, Biden won the spot with the Democrats, and he decided to step down. With Harris being the vice president, it only stands to reason that she would step up and run for office.

Trump does not like CBS, NBC, and ABC. He does not like 60 Minutes because they broadcast an interview with Kamala Harris. He says that the program was faked and was designed as election interference. 60 Minutes has done the same spot, for every presidential election. They have always given both candidates equal time, and all previous presidential candidates have participated over the years. It turns out that Donald Trump declined to participate. Did he suppose that since he didn’t want to do it, they should have just scrapped the program?

His narcissism is prevalent in every single speech this man makes. His racism shows as well. Most recently, he had a comedian open one of his rallies, and the comedian, Tony Hinchcliffe, made nasty remarks against Puerto Ricans. Watch the video and you will see.

Trump said or did nothing about the comments made by the comedian. He said he did not know the guy. That’s no excuse for not taking the guy to task about the comments, which the world views as Trump’s complicity with the guy. But let’s face it, we already knew, going back many, many years, that Donald DUMP Trump is a racist. We knew this when he ran for President for the first time.

Let’s talk about the violence that Trump promotes. It all starts with the rhetoric about stolen elections. We can take this all the way back to an extremely close election involving George W. Bush and Al Gore, where Bush narrowly won in Florida by a little more than 500 votes.

Based on the 2000 Presidential election fiasco, now there are prevalent conspiracy theories that elections are rigged. Couple that with Trump’s narcissistic demeanor, and you have a man who believes he could not possibly lose to anyone legally. It’s hard for him to understand loss and he will not accept it. So, since he could not possibly lose, the election must have been rigged.

The MAGA crew is never, ever going to believe that elections are not rigged because they have their noses so far up Trump’s Rear-End that they are probably going to have to be surgically removed when his clown ass finally realizes that the vast majority of the people in the united states do not want him as president, but let’s get real here. I have never been involved in politics much in my life, except to know enough to vote for the one I think will do the least amount of damage to the country, and who will actually work for the greater good of most people. I sincerely dislike the blatant lies and hatred leaving this clown’s lips on a daily basis, and the racism is out of this world.

So, the moral of the story is for those who intend to vote for Trump and those who have already voted for him. A wise woman in the form of my grandmother once told me “Be careful what you wish because you just might get it. ” As for myself, should Donald Trump actually get elected as president, You can enjoy your life under a dictator – I’ll move to Canada to get away from the mess here.

Thanks for watching this Opinion video from Pop Culture Opinions. My name is John Derossett. See you next time!