One of my favorite things to do most recently, is to check out the scammer videos on YouTube. There are a lot of channels with these guys and girls paying back some of these scammers for the mayhem they cause, primarily to older people who are not tech-savvy and usually don’t know any better.

My Favorite channel is SCAMMER PAYBACK. This guy uses an alter ego of an old lady and he really gets under the skin of these scammers. He goes a step further though, and once the scammer gains access to Sammer Payback’s computer, scammer paycheck begins to systematically delete the files from the scammer’s computer.

Now, these days, the scam buster groups are getting more sophisticated, or the scammers are getting more and more stupid, or maybe a little of both, but in any case, some of these guys are able to get money back from the scammers by getting into their bank accounts, and as I understand it, this money is turned over to authorities, though I don’t know where at this point.

In any case, I am glad somebody is actually out there doing what they cAn to try to stop this shit. These guys get away with it because they are located in India, and the Indian authorities do absolutely nothing, or at least very little to help to bring them to justice.