This Country is Going to Hell

Sorry for the title, but it’s the God’s honest truth. On the one hand, we have a candidate who incited a riot when he lost the election and had to leave the White House claiming the election was stolen from him. GET OVER YOURSELF DONALD. The we have another moron, who was elected largely because we couldn’t find another decent Democrat to run. Isn’t that sad? But let’s go back to the beginning and the U.S. Constitution. Career Politicians In the U.S. Constitution, we have a limit of two terms that a person can act as President of the United States. Of course,…

Donald Trump is a Moron

It’s been a while since I have written anything, but when I do, I come out fighting. To be fair to Donald Trump, I have hated him since the late 80s, so this has nothing to do with his presidency in the past, although I can’t think of one single thing the idiot did for the country. Then, being the sore loser that he is, and spouting about the real news being fake news and fake news being the real news, he incited a riot on national television. Don’t get me wrong though. This IS NOT a pro-Biden post. I hate all politicians.…

The Catholic Church

Anyone who knows me knows that I have long said that each individual church purports itself to be the one true church to GOD and that all others are imposters. I have also said that TV evangelists use the word of GOD for their own nefarious purposes as well. That’s what in the end, led me to find the true path to GOD, but I am not here to preach the word of GOD. That’s not my job to do here. I am a writer who chooses to write what I feel like writing about at the time I am writing. Today’s topic…

Scammer Payback

One of my favorite things to do most recently, is to check out the scammer videos on YouTube. There are a lot of channels with these guys and girls paying back some of these scammers for the mayhem they cause, primarily to older people who are not tech-savvy and usually don’t know any better. My Favorite channel is SCAMMER PAYBACK. This guy uses an alter ego of an old lady and he really gets under the skin of these scammers. He goes a step further though, and once the scammer gains access to Sammer Payback’s computer, scammer paycheck begins to systematically delete the…

Banking While Black

As if we didn’t have enough problems in this world of ours, a new one has been brought to my attention, by of all places, YouTube. I watched this video while streaming past episodes of Undercover Boss, a TV show that I used to love watching. It was as if I were meant to see this particular video, because it randomly popped in while I was watching the aforementioned show, and when the video was done, it went back to Undercover Boss again. So, the video I am speaking of was titled: Banking While Black: Police Video shows how cashing a paycheck led…

I Don’t Know Why

When I set up this website, I thought I had a particular direction I wanted to chase with it, and subsequently ended up changing what I was doing multiple times. They say that when you write a blog, to focus on a particular subject. The problem is, that’s not me. I don’t want to write about one thing, because I change from day to day as to what I am interested in. That’s not to say that my mind travels in a different direction about the things I like to read, study and write about all the time, but that I like to…

Changes – again

There’s so much I want to do. I like writing the reviews. I like writing my stories too, but the website was getting so filled up, one was getting lost in the other. So, I decided to buy the .net version of my domain. On this website (.com), I am going to publish my stories. On the other website (.net) I am going to publish my reviews and such. Whatever is already on that website though is going to stay there, except my poems, which I will bring back over here. Everyone that knows me, knows that I like to write about crime.…

Not a Word

So much time passed;Not a word between us;Living close by, but never seen;No letters, no calls;Not a word between us; We live our lives like we’re happy;Living day to day like we each don’t exist;Not a word between us;Reality is I miss you every day;I want to call but I can’t;Not a word between us; I try to write, but then I stop;I don’t know what to say;Not a word between us;I’m stubborn, but so are you;I want to talk but don’t know what to do;Not a word between us; I guess I’ll wait, but we’re the same;Not a word between us;It’ll probably…

My Pretty Mom

My pretty mom, you inspire me to write,how I love the way you smiled at us,I love your smiling face and eyes,and the dimples that appeared. No longer will we see that smiling face,except in memories gone by,I often sit around the house,with tears running from my eyes. Time wasted over the years,as we traveled and did our own thing,we talked a lot on the phone,but it never was the same. Thoughts of you invade my mind,both day and night,I sit and struggle not to cry,No matter what I do, I always lose the fight. I love the way you used to dance,it…

My Dad – A poem Written by John Derossett

I miss you much,The memories are my only companion,I did not become what you wanted me to be,I regret, as I clasp my hands to grieve As the hopelessness eats away,I clasp my hands and pray,I hope to see you once again,But I am still here. I think about it every night,I am not a saint,nor even good,Dearly departed The anguish of loss tortures me,I wish I would have called sooner,Your memories wash away my tears,But my life now is without humor. The anguish tortures,It leaves a heavy heart,I should have realized sooner,That at some point we would part. I remember best, the…