Scammer Payback
One of my favorite things to do most recently, is to check out the scammer videos on YouTube. There are a lot of channels with these guys and girls paying…
Banking While Black
As if we didn’t have enough problems in this world of ours, a new one has been brought to my attention, by of all places, YouTube. I watched this video…
I Don’t Know Why
When I set up this website, I thought I had a particular direction I wanted to chase with it, and subsequently ended up changing what I was doing multiple times.…
Not a Word
So much time passed;Not a word between us;Living close by, but never seen;No letters, no calls;Not a word between us; We live our lives like we’re happy;Living day to day…
My Pretty Mom
My pretty mom, you inspire me to write,how I love the way you smiled at us,I love your smiling face and eyes,and the dimples that appeared. No longer will we…
My Dad – A poem Written by John Derossett
I miss you much,The memories are my only companion,I did not become what you wanted me to be,I regret, as I clasp my hands to grieve As the hopelessness eats…