Brooke Shields Wrote About What Really Happened When Tom Cruise Infamously Ranted About Her And Postpartum Depression

“This very famous man hijacked my experience to advance his own (deluded) agenda.” View Entire Post ›

Exciting Changes: Introducing John DeRossett Publishing!

I’m happy to announce a new evolution in our journey! This all started as s small short story and poetry blog. It has grown to be bigger, where the audfience is cioncerned than I ever thought it would. For this, I thank my readers for theior incredible support. This brings us to my point. This website is evolving and we are going to transition it into John Derossett Publishing, an independent publishing company that is dedicated to bringing readers unique poetry and compelling stories. Don’t worry though. My beloved blog is not leaving this website. It will remain here as a section of…